We Weave Zero Harm Into Everything We Do

Titre traduit en anglais

We Weave Zero Harm Into Everything We Do

Film: Durée en minutes

5'40" minutes

Description du produit

This year, we decided to promote a global conversation. The film was made by combining videoconference interviews involving Vale employees around the world. Using visual graphics, we adopted the metaphor of a safety net to represent the prevention initiatives and the culture of safe behavior that we need to put in place to control risk. When this net is working properly, it keeps hazards from affecting people. Each one of us is a thread woven into this safety net. Our union weaves this net tighter. Each knot is an act of caring for each other.

Objectif et finalité

We all know that Zero Harm is a journey. It is a journey of Hearts and Minds – knowing the procedures and the rules that keep us safe and caring deeply for yourself and for one another. For this edition, we will be reflecting on how Active Genuine Care is done with hearts and minds. We will only reach our Zero Harm goal by using our heads – what we know, our technical knowledge and our hearts – what we feel, our emotions that make us care. To work safely, we must know the correct procedures. But it is not enough to know what to do (rational knowledge) if you don’t use your heart. For it is our heart (emotional motivators) that makes us care. Together, using what we know and what we feel, we are building our a “safety net” to make sure everyone returns home every day to their loved ones.

We used the safety net metaphor to represent all the prevention initiatives and the culture of safe behavior that we need to put in place to control risk. When this net is working properly, it keeps hazards from affecting people. What will make our safety net stronger? Using our minds and hearts. When we overlap this rational net (applying our minds, reason, technical knowledge, and discipline to comply with procedures) with the emotional net (applying our hearts, feelings, connection to others, and our open approach to dialogue), the result will be a tightly-woven net that lets less risk slip through. This film illustrates that our union weaves this net tighter. Each thread is an act of caring for each other.

Public cible

The Day of Reflection is always an emotionally charged event and it has been a milestone on Vale’s internal calendar, since 2011, as a global mobilization for life. It is an engagement strategy based on direct communication through leadership. A day in wh


Day of Reflection 2015

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Av. das Américas, 700 Bloco 8 - Loja 218 - Barra da Tijuca , Brazil-22640-100 Rio de Janeiro

Coordonnées de la société de production

Conspiração Filmes
Rua Teresa Guimarães,144 - Botafogo , Brasil-22280-050 Rio de Janeiro